
Private Limited Company Incorporation @ $648

Why us?

Affordable and simple pricing

The services provided for incorporating a local company are the same. How other companies may charge hundreds, and in some cases up to a thousand dollars baffles us.

You would like to get your company incorporated, and we offer an affordable and transparent cost. Registration fees and company secretary appointment are already included.

No extra fees

Pay for your incorporation. No additional charges, no GST. We’ll cover the incorporation fee of $315, including appointment of company secretary for 1 year.

$648, with everything you need to get your company setup – full stop.

Fast incorporation processing

We have had years of experience with company incorporation. We almost could’ve done it with our eyes closed (no, not really).

Through countless of incorporations, we’ve familarized ourselves with the process. Once we have your information, your company could be setup in less than 15 minutes.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can start and register a Singapore Company?

Fortunately, the requirements in setting up a Singapore company is not high. Aside from legal requirements, such as not being blacklisted, not a declared bankrupt and free of past malpractices, any individual, whether foreign or local, at least 18 years of age can register a company.

Thereafter, the following are the basic requirements that are easily met:

  • Have an approved company name from ACRA.
  • Must appoint at least 1 local resident director (number of non-resident directors does not matter).
  • At least 1 Shareholder, and a maximum of 50. Your company can also be 100% owned by a foreigner, or local individual/company.
  • Appoint a qualified company secretary within 6 months upon incorporation. Note that if the Company only has 1 director, that director can not also be the company secretary.
  • A minimum of SGD $1 paid-up capital.
  • Must provide a local Singapore address as the registered address of the company. This address can not be a P.O Box, but can be either a residential or commercial address.
I am a foreigner. Can I setup a Singapore Company?

If you meet the fundamental legal requirement, and at least 18 years of age – you are eligible.

We have 2 service packages suitable for foreigners. The main difference would be whether you would like to relocate to Singapore to work, or run your Singapore company overseas.

What do I need to prepare before my Company Registration in Singapore?

Before setting up and registering your new company, you would need the following:

  • You must have thought of your company name, and it has to be approved before incorporation.
  • You need to appoint a qualified resident company secretary within 6 months from setting up your company. By incorporating you new company with Leftright Corporate, we provide complimentary 18 months registered company secretary services. Otherwise, you can view our registered secretary service HERE as well.
  • Your company must have a minimum paid up capital of $1. You may increase this amount at any time after incorporation.
  • The company must register a local Singapore address. The address can be either a residential or commercial address –– just not a P.O box.

In most cases, even if you are unsure or confused, please do not worry. Our business setup experts will be there to guide or complete the full process for you, according to your specification and requirements.

What are the documents I would need?

In order to register and incorporate your Private Limited Company, you would need the following documentations ready:

  • A brief description of your business activities
  • Director(s) particulars such as NRIC, address, name etc
  • Shareholder(s) particulars such as NRIC, address, name etc
  • The registered address of the company
  • Particulars of the company secretary
Do I need a Business License in order to commence operations and business?

Depending on the nature of your business, you may require a business license from the relevant regulatory authority. You may view a summary and example of requirements form our guide HERE.

For example, a restaurant as well as a financial services firm will need a license from their respective regulatory authorities.

Fortunately, bureaucratic hurdles are kept to a minimum in Singapore and most types of businesses do not require a license. Even if a license is required, you can be assured of a quick, efficient and straightforward approval process for your license application.

How long does it take to register my new company?

Upon receipt of all your documentations, and fully understanding your requirement, our incorporation expert would begin the registration process almost immediately.

Usually, it would take no more than 2 hours for your company to be incorporated, and you can begin operations.

How much money, or capital do I need to setup my company?

For local residents, you can set up your Private Limited Company with a minimum paid up capital of $1. Aside from the paid up capital, you would also need to pay the fees associated with incorporating a company, such as name registration, and the incorporation fee itself.

By engaging Leftright Corporate as your service provider, we’d be able to register your business at a cost beginning from $350 upwards to $648 –– depending on your entity preference.

After setting up my company, what's next?
  • All Singapore incorporated Private Limited Companies must appoint a Registered Company Secretary within 6 months from incorporation.
  • Set up your business bank account, so you can begin operations and make transactions with stakeholders such as your customers and suppliers.
  • Your new company would also be annual compliance matters such as annual returns filing, IRAS tax filings, preparation of financial statements and more.

If you are unsure, or need assistance, you may engage Leftright Corporate SME Business Services, we’d be happy to help.

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